Wonder Your Way To Brilliant



No one can give you the blueprint for your brilliant life, but listening to others who are courageously pursuing the same path is one of the best ways I know to gain wisdom for the journey.Join us each week for a new Curiosity Conversation during which we explore new topics and perspectives on living an authentically brilliant life. Each conversation will offer a new Game Changing Question that when coupled with a bit of Courageous Curiosity can absolutely change your life!


  • How to Raise Resilient Kids in 2022

    29/06/2022 Duration: 30min

     Today, on Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell, I dive deep into what parents of resilient kids DON’T do and what they DO do. Over the past 2+ years we have gotten the message that we cannot spare our kids all hardship and discomfort. Unfortunately, attempts we may have made to spare them may have actually made them less confident to confront challenge, failure and hardship. So in today’s episode, I offer some alternatives to trying to keep our kids happy all the time. Alternatives that I hope will help us all feel stronger in the face of challenge and adversity. For more on raising resilient kids, see the blog: Please STOP Trying to Raise Happy Kids. And to build your own resilience, check out Curiosity Crusaders, our community of practice for those seeking to live, lead and love with intention. 

  • A Surprising Place to Locate Your Life Purpose

    23/05/2022 Duration: 19min

    When was the last time you wondered about your life purpose? What is it? How do I find it? What is important enough? And when life gets turned on its head, as it has been for the past few years, many of us become more introspective about the path we are on. In this episode of Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell, I discuss where we typically go looking for our purpose and the very unlikely place it may be hiding in plain sight.

  • How to embrace simplicity in a chaotic world

    11/04/2022 Duration: 18min

    My mind, like yours, can easily become seduced by the idea that there is time and room for everything. Like an already overstuffed suitcase, we believe we can always fit one more thing in. And honestly, we can keep trying, but to what end? What does our life end up looking like when we continually try to fit in just ‘one more thing?’ And what can we do about it if we have this exhausting habit of trying? This is what I am talking about in this week’s episode of Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell. 

  • When Things Don’t Make Sense

    14/03/2022 Duration: 24min

    What do we do when things simply don’t make sense. This might describe a lot about the world we live in right now. In Today’s episode of Courage to be Curious with Adina Tovell, I look at the nature of COHERENCE… How it creates the world we live in. How it can help us re-create the world we live in when we grow and are ready for change. And what we can do when the world feels incoherent, and we cannot make sense of things.

  • Knowing YOU matters. Here's why....

    31/01/2022 Duration: 24min

    On today’s episode, we begin our season exploring the nature of the SELF. Who are you? What does it mean to be you in the world? What defines you and what does not define you? How do you care for you? With so much happening in our lives every day and with so many things constantly vying for our attention, it is easy to lose track of the SELF. Hold on as we dive deeply into this spiritual and existential conversation. And if you want to explore more, check out our Curiosity Crusader program, a spa-like experience for mind and spirit. 

  • A Courageous Look at 2021

    29/12/2021 Duration: 23min

    How do you reflect on a year? If you typically take stock of what went well and how you can improve, with more attention to the latter (!!), let’s try something new. Tune in to learn more about our Courageously Curious approach to reflecting on this challenging and unusual year!Follow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Tribute to Will Wise, beloved Curiosity Crusader

    22/12/2021 Duration: 01h31min

    This is a special tribute to the guest of our most widely received podcast of 2021, Will Wise, co-founder of We and Me and co-author of Ask Powerful Questions: Create Conversations that Matter. Will transitioned from this world in November, less than two months after our conversation with him was released. Join us for this tribute episode in honor of an amazing teacher and man. 

  • Something New is Brewing...

    15/12/2021 Duration: 37min

    Something new is brewing at Courage to be Curious! A new endeavor. A new opportunity. A new way of serving. A new way of cultivating curiosity. A new way of experiencing you. Tune in to learn more. Where to find Amy Steindler:WebLinkedInFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Transform Anxiety with Reflective Practice

    08/12/2021 Duration: 38min

    What does it mean to be mentally healthy and spiritually fulfilled? In this week’s conversation, we talk with Shelbie Fishman about her journey from high achieving perfectionist who continuously wrestled with stress and anxiety to a first-year medical student who is approaching this new chapter with wisdom, balance, perspective, and joy. Tune in to discover how she is transforming the state of her mental and spiritual well-being. Where to find Shelbie Fishman:InstagramFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Rebalance Your Relationship for the Holidays

    24/11/2021 Duration: 49min

    What happens when a relationship is out of balance? The experience is intense: anger, frustration, blaming, and exhaustion. None of us like to live this way, but how do we get a relationship back in balance? On today’s episode, we talk with Ecotherapist, Lauren Kahn, about a model she developed called: Relationship Rebalancing… and it's just in time for the holidays!Where to find Lauren Kahn:WebFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Effective Leaders are Appreciative Leaders

    17/11/2021 Duration: 50min

    What happens when a content expert becomes a leader? What happens when a professional who is known and respected for what they KNOW moves into a role where they manage people? On today’s episodes, we speak with Dr. Wanda Wallace, business coach, author of You Can’t Know It All, and host of the podcast Out of the Comfort Zone who helps us unpack this transition and the role that appreciation and gratitude play in doing it well.Where to find Wanda Wallace:Web - Wanda WallaceWeb - Leadership ForumFacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedInWhere to find Amy Steindler:WebLinkedInFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Getting Appreciation in the Workplace RIGHT!

    17/11/2021 Duration: 44min

    You may be familiar with the 5 Love Languages, but what is the application of this to the workplace? Dr. Paul White and Dr. Gary Chapman teamed up to create the 5 Languages of Appreciation at Work and in this episode we speak with Dr. Paul about how learning to appreciate each other at work is not only a caring thing to do, but may be the single most important thing we can focus on to create a workplace where people want to work. Where to find Dr. Paul White:Web - Appreciation at WorkFacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedInWhere to find Amy Steindler:WebLinkedInFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Have you appreciated YOU today?

    10/11/2021 Duration: 21min

    When we think about appreciation and gratitude, we often think about others. In today’s episode, I talk about the importance of appreciating yourself…. Something that can feel awkward or even inappropriate to some people. My goal… to inspire and motivate you to take the time to appreciate YOU every day!Follow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Making Appreciation a Daily Practice

    03/11/2021 Duration: 35min

    What if every person knew … deeply knew… in their heart of hearts that they mattered? What might our world be like and feel like? Our guest today, Cheryl Rice, founder of the You Matter Marathon and Cheryl Rice Leadership, is doing everything in her power to find out… and she wants us to join her. Listen in to hear what she is doing and how you can become part of this powerful movement. Where to find Cheryl Rice:Web - You Matter MarathonWeb - Cheryl Rice LeadershipFacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedInWhere to find Amy Steindler:WebLinkedInFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • What Would a Photograph of your Soul Look Like?

    27/10/2021 Duration: 43min

    With Halloween only a few days away, our question is not “What mask will you wear?” but “What mask will you take off?” In today's conversation with Matt Mead - wedding, portrait, and branding photographer - we talk about the impact of trying to ‘look perfect’ on ourselves and others and what we can do to show up genuine and real, both on and off the camera. Where to find Matt Mead:WebInstagramFacebookTwitterFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Do We Only Love the Ballerina When She’s Dancing on Stage?

    20/10/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    Growing up a reluctant prima ballerina, our guest, Paulette Rigo, put on her costume and her dutiful daughter mask for decades. Every time she tried to take them off, both her mother (founder of the dance studio) and those who had come to know and love her in that role, would have nothing to do with it. They needed her to be who they imagined her to be. But one day, Paulette had the courage to lay down her costume and the facade she had been upholding once and for all. Would she still be lovable? Tune into today’s episode.Where to find Paulette Rigo:WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedInFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • What Does a Leader Wear?

    13/10/2021 Duration: 59min

    In the classic movie, Annie, the Boylan Sisters sing, “You’re never fully dressed without a smile.” But what about a leader? What does the leader need to be ‘fully dressed’ for the role? In today’s conversation with Patricia Omoqui and Amy Steindler, we unpack what leadership looks like, whether leaders have to don a specific way of being in order to be effective. Where to find Patricia Omoqui:WebFacebookTwitterInstagramLinkedInWhere to find Amy Steindler:WebLinkedInFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Do You Know Who’s Hiding Behind Your Mask?

    06/10/2021 Duration: 53min

    How do you know if you are wearing a mask that is hiding the most authentic and powerful version of yourself? And if you are, how can you remove it? In this theatrical and poignant conversation with Susan Sandler, we literally reveal how you can know if you are being the most authentic version of yourself and what you can do if you discover that you aren’t. Where to find Susan Sandler:LinkedInFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • How to Overcome our National Curiosity Deficit!

    29/09/2021 Duration: 01h04min

    Clap your hands if you agree… We have a Curiosity Deficit and it is impacting how we connect and relate to each other! In this episode we speak with Chad Littlefield, co-author of Ask Powerful Questions: Create Conversations that Matter. Together we explore how to transform conversations from those that simply take up space to those that create meaning and build connection.Where to find Chad Littlefield:WebYouTubeTwitterInstagramFacebookLinkedInWhere to find Amy Steindler:WebLinkedInFollow us on all our other platforms!WebInstagramFacebookTwitterLinkedIn

  • Why Curiosity is the Key to a Loving Relationship

    22/09/2021 Duration: 01h01min

    I wonder about why people who love each other fight so much. Caring is easy, but relating on a regular basis to people we care about can be very complicated and messy. Divorce rates are high, couples counseling offices can often be a revolving door. What’s the problem? In this episode, we explore something we know is often missing and can make a huge difference. Where to find Amy Steindler:Web:https://ovation.coach/LinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/in/amysteindler/Follow all our other platforms!Web:https://couragetobecurious.com/Instagram:https://www.instagram.com/couragetobecurious/Facebook:https://www.facebook.com/couragetobecuriousTwitter:https://twitter.com/CuriositySpeaksLinkedIn:https://www.linkedin.com/company/courage-to-be-curious

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